Untherapy Academy
Untherapy Academy

A Community for Open-Hearted Individuals

on the Self-Discovery Journey of Living an Inspired Life

Welcome to Untherapy!

We are now open for enrollment! 

Join now to start incorporating Untherapy into your life today

No need to wait until a new month starts. Our self-paced New Member Orientation Course will bring you up to speed!

May 2024 Adventure Theme:


  • Every month a brand new start with a new universal theme (previous themes include: "Get Back in Your Body", "Trusting Yourself", and "Manifesting") Note: past themes are archived and accessible to work through at any time!
  • Every week a fresh quest taking us through the Hero's Journey (did you know your Inner Child is the hero of your life's journey?!?)
  • Every weekday, a quick, fun, interesting question to gently prompt you to stay connected with your heart, soul, and mind
  • Direct connection and support from the Untherapists via a special Marco Polo Sharecast 

To maximize your personal growth, you need three things:

  1. A powerful, effective, and intuitive system that creates a stable container for your personal evolution
  2. A step by step approach that breaks your progress down into individual, manageable steps
  3. A supportive community of like-minded life learners who synergize with your progress 

The Untherapy Academy checks every box!


How much time will this take?
Everything is scalable. The Untherapists who lead this community each work 60+ hours a week at other jobs and have full personal lives. We have designed all the interaction to fit in and around a very busy life. We consider this the most important thing we can do for ourselves. A small action step done consistently offers the greatest long term progress! If you have more time, you can easily expand your work to fill it. Otherwise, a couple minutes every weekday for the daily question, 30 minutes a week listening to the lesson, and 5-15 minutes a week to complete the corresponding worksheet.

When is the best time to join?
No need to wait until the beginning of the month. Jump in as soon as you are ready. Our self-paced New Member Orientation Course is ready when you are. It includes all the relevant information to bring you up to speed. You also have access to the Untherapists (Christin and Anne-Lise) for additional support.

What if it doesn't work out for me?
Your subscription of $49 renews every month on the date you joined. Cancel any time with no hassle or pressure and you will have access to the Academy until the renewal date. You can always rejoin at a better time. Pricing is subject to change. 

Our Mission

To cultivate a community of open-hearted individuals on a self-discovery journey who are seeking to live meaningful, inspired, and bliss filled lives. Through learning the skills of self-awareness and self-trust in a safe and supportive group, we discover the power of being the hero of our own journey.

Following your bliss is not self-indulgent, but vital; your whole physical system knows that this is the way to be alive in this world and the way to give to the world the very best that you have to offer. There IS a track just waiting for each of us and once on it, doors will open that were not open before and would not open for anyone else.

~Joseph Campbell

The Untherapy Academy is not your run of the mill, "follow our proven formula" self improvement community. It is based on Untherapy, a dynamic emotional healing system that takes a whimsical approach to personal growth, incorporating metaphor, spirituality, and the Hero's Journey. 

Being a student in the Untherapy Academy means you get to actively participate in the creation of this exciting and supportive community. We never tire of exploring, adventuring, discovering, and connecting. If you are anything like us, we’re pretty sure you’re going to feel the same way. Life really is one big adventure! 

The more you show up and engage in the activities and discussions, the more you add to the value we all experience together. And because we are all living our own unique adventures (aka, life), we never run out of content with which to discover more truths about ourselves.

The Academy is for you IF:

  • You are actively working on prioritizing your own growth and healing
  • You are fascinated with all things self-improvement
  • You are doing your own work
  • You love connecting with other like-minded people who also do their own work
  • You have a need for quality community in your life
  • You're not afraid to laugh at yourself
  • You are used to figuring things out for yourself
  • You appreciate a powerful system to support you
  • You aren't ashamed to nerd out on personality models and/or healing protocols
  • You love cheering on fellow humans who are also doing their best
  • You understand the concept of consistency for creating big healing shifts in your life
  • You know how to act on something that intuitively makes sense for you

The Academy is NOT for you IF:

  • You're looking for a quick fix
  • You are thoroughly convinced that you are helpless in the face of your problems, and their cause is strictly the fault of other people/external situations
  • You are unwilling to sit with your own emotions
  • You are loath to learn the skill of holding space for others' emotions
  • You're looking for a program that is certified by an external governing authority
  • You are unable to prioritize your own healing journey
  • You are averse to experiencing your healing journey within the context of a supportive community